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Online casino games to be launched on Facebook

One lucrative advertising market for online gambling has recently proven to be social media network sites, such as Facebook.

It has been made public that Facebook has announced that it will allow online casino games on their website. Currently Facebook is in discussions with online casinos and online gambling experts to determine whether there are real opportunities of generating revenue out of online gambling.

Since Facebook is looking for new ways of generating revenues and the online casinos are looking to attract new visitors, this could be a profitable collaboration.

However it is not yet know when an agreement will be made.

There may be pros and cons for this decision of allowing online gambling on Facebook. Some believe that it will be good since Facebook already offers non-monetary games and other think that it would be irresponsible since underage players can have access to gambling games for free.

According to James Bennet, the editor of E-Gaming review, there is still much time before a final decision will be made.

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